Iyandikishe muri Marcegaglia Vocational Training center

Fondazione Marcegaglia Onlus Marcegaglia Vocational Training Center Eastern Province Bugesera District Website: www.FMOrwanda.org Email: info@fmorwanda.org/desirwa1@gmail.com Tel: +250791314155 ITANGAZO Ubuyobozi bwa Marcegaglia Vocational Training Center ( M-VTC ) ikigo k’imyuga n’ubumenyingiro cyemewe n’ikigo cy’igihugu cy’ubumenyingiro (RTB) giherere mukarere ka Bugesera, bunejejwe no kubamenyasha ko cyatangiye kwandika abanyeshuri bose bifuza kwiga Muri Marcegaglia Vocational Training […]
Fondazione Marcegaglia Onlus Rwanda On The Front Line To Fight Poverty

The Fondazione Marcegaglia Onlus (FMO) project in Rwanda aimed to distribute cows to poor families as a means of reducing poverty and stunting. This initiative aligned with Rwanda’s Vision 2020 development plan, which sought to provide one cow per family to improve livelihoods. The FMO project focused on distributing cows and promoting livestock farming in […]
Fondazione Marcegaglia Onlus Rwanda At the heart of School Dropout Control.

Since 2017, Fondazione Marcegaglia Onlus is a non-profit organization that has been working in the Rilima sector, Bugesera district, Rwanda, to control school dropout in 12 years of basic education. The foundation has implemented various interventions, including school feeding support, scholastic materials, extra-curricular activities, sexual reproductive health rights, girls’ room, ICT training for teachers and […]
Fondazione Marcegaglia Onlus Rwanda Offers University Scholarship and TVET school.

In 2019-2020 Fondazione Marcegaglia Onlus (FMO) is spearheading a transformative initiative to empower young individuals and combat school dropout rates.The Marcegaglia Vocational Training Center (MVTC) is a technical school by Fondazione Marcegaglia Onlus (FMO) aimed at empowering young individuals and reducing school dropout rates in Rwanda. The MVTC is located in the Rilima area of […]
How Fondazione Marcegaglia Has Contributed to the social-economic through Microcredit.

Fondazione Marcegaglia Onlus (FMO) has been weaving a tapestry of empowerment and transformation through its micro-credit initiatives. As part of the country’s Vision 2020, FMO’s micro-credit program has been instrumental in fostering entrepreneurship and economic independence, providing access to capital and tool-kits for individuals to kick start their businesses and projects. In 2013, the […]
In 2021 Fondazione Marcegaglia Onlus (FMO) initiated Child protection Program

In 2021, the Bugesera District of Rwanda buzzed with anticipation as the Fondazione Marcegaglia onlus(FMO) launched its ambitious child protection program. Among the rolling hills and bustling villages of the Rilima sector, 374 children stood as silent witnesses to the harsh reality of malnutrition and stunting. But hope shimmered on the horizon as FMO stepped […]